北京中励国际展览由具有多年外展经验的展览行业人士共同组建的一家专业国际展览公司,专业代理国际知名展览会及延伸服务,公司秉承【诚信、细心、效率、专业】的企业原则,主要致力于为中国企业开拓国际市场提供参展推广全方位服务,包括从事大型境外展览推广、国际展会咨询、出国商务考察、出国签证辅导、展台设计搭建、国际货运代理、海外市场推广等国际商务活动。 自公司成立以来,积极与众多海外工业协会和外贸机构建立了良好的合作关系,目前,公司每年代理海外多个知名展会,业务涉及多个行业,遍及全球,同时公司一直以专业化、国际化为发展方向,为国内企业拓展海外市场提供高效便捷、周到的服务,为我国不同行业的出口贸易商和生产型企业架设了开拓和扩展国际市场的桥梁。 Beijing Eager International Exhibition Co.,Ltd is a professional international exhibition company found by the experts in exhibition industry. The company deals with the organization and promotion of international exhibitions and fairs. Beijing EAGER, with promoting global trade as our target, focus on helping Chinese companies chose the right event to meet the export needs, collecting relevant industry and market information and reminding you the events and market chance. With many years rich experience, Beijng Eager is now one of the reputable and professional exhibition companies in China. Thanks to the significant development and professional experiences, Eager has already built the long-term co-operation with around 50 exhibitions organizers world-wide. Because of good understanding of international organizers, China related industrial market and overseas exhibition market, meanwhile, the abundant databasae, Eager is qualified to be the strategic partner and represent organization of international organizers in China to promote the exhibitions brand image and create the effective sales channels.