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Mark住!那些展会中“狠”有用的英语话术 |
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发布者:admin 发布时间:2024/4/30 阅读:754次 |
帮助企业提高参展效果,有效布局展前营销,展会现场搞定客户。通过展后的业绩评估与总结,提升决策准确性,优化资源配置,可以参考以下了8种展后销售管理技巧及展会实战中“狠)有用的话术,助力各位外贸达人提升客户跟进效率,提高转化率。 选择商展的八要素,帮助企业提高参展效果 ✔ 按性质——贸易和消费 ✔ 按内容——综合展和专业展 ✔ 按规模,同行/买家的参与度 ·国际、国家、地区、地方展以及公司的独家展 ·规模是指展出者和参观者所代表的区域规模非场地 ✔ 按展览地点 ·新产品发布平台 ·欧洲、美国、日本 ✔ 按展览时间 ·采购期 ·定期一年四次、两次、一次 ·不定期分长期和短期 ·展期(3至6天) ✔ 按展览知名度/次数 ✔ 按关联度 ·展会与我们产品的关联度 ·往届目录比较回头客、媒介报告 ✔ 按主办方的服务专业化 ·历史及以往的口碑如何? ·是否与目标买家社群保持长期稳固的关系? ·在出口推广方面是否拥有相关经验? ·此次商展是否针对特定目标行业? ·组织工作方面的是否专业 海外地推前,准备工作有讲究
✔ 签证准备 · 流水准备 · 护照准备 · 签证办理 · ✔ 人员准备 · 派什么样的人去? · 人员需要必备的技能 · 需要如何配合 · 国内工作的处理 ✔ 客户邀请 · 已成交的客户邀请及目的 · 已经建立联系的客户邀请及目的 · 新客户邀约及目的 · 陌生拜访客户准备 · ✔ 衣食住行 · 交通准备 · 住宿准备 · 银行卡 · 手机卡,流量 · 衣物 · 样品 · 会议工具 · 礼物 ✔ 应急措施 · 生病了怎么办 · 车出事故怎么办 · 行李被偷怎么办 · 遇到坏人怎么办 展会中“狠”有用的英语话术
- we have something especially for you, please come inside and have a look.
- See anything you like? Maybe I can give you a special price.
- I bet you have never seen this before.
- I don’t give this kind of offer normally.
- Give me a ball part that you have in your mind.
- what is your target price?
- We do have an exhibitional price for VIP like you(promotional offer).
- We have a special offer for those who place order today.
- What if I give you a special exhibition offer today?
- This price is only for today.
- I can send you the final offer tonight.
- If I give you a bottom offer, will you be able to confirm today with a deposit?
- Anything possible, but you have to show your sincerity with some deposit.
- I am not sure if I can give you this offer, I need to ask my boss. But if he can do it for you, can you make some deposit today to seal this deal?
- This is hard for me, but I willing to try. Let me ask my boss first, if he can confirm today, will you be able to make some deposit today?
- You can sure buy some sample first, but can you tell me what’s your worry?
- Of course you can think it over first. But like I say, this offer is only for today. You might miss it and feel regret later. A small deposit can solve all these time wasting jumble mumble you know? Tell me what stop you to make this decision?
- How long you will be staying after the fair? I would love to invite you to come visit our factory at anytime. What do you say?
- Do you have time in the next couple days? I can take you to our factory for inspection purpose.
- You know home depot? How about walmart? They are our customers and work with us for many years. If they can trust us, so are you. I can assure you that our quality are top of the line in the market. I just hope that you can catch the special offer now and save the bargaining time later. Don't you agree?
- We have the CE and TUV certificates that you market required, so you don't have to worry about anything. You can also hire third party QC for final assurance.
- You need to ask your friends? Why? Are they the one who finance your company?
- I think the best garantee would be to get it with special low offer and test your market. Because next time you come back, it will be the normal FOB price.